fredag den 4. juni 2010

Industrial Democracy

Claus Skytte gjorde mig fornylig opmærksom på Ricardo Semler og hans virksomhed Semcos inspirerende ledelsesprincipper. Og nu er han ikke en Hr.Vilde-initiativer-som-koster-virksomheden-kassen-og-giver-røde-tal kind of guy. Semler har intet mindre end revolutioneret den organisation, han arvede fra sin far. Skabt vækst fra 4 millioner dollars i 1982 til 212 i 2003. Været fadder til det, der går under begrebet Industrial Democracy. Og af samme grund turneret businessskoler og fx været gæsteprofessor på Harvard University.

Hvis du ikke er stødt på ham, skal du støde ind i ham. Læs fx her om den måde, Semco ansætter ledere.

Hiring is done in a unique way: by those who really care. When you think about it, job hiring is as flawed as an Internet dating process, and could be the basis of any Almodóvar movie. On the one side, the company lies about what a wonderful place they are to work for, and, on the other, the candidate omits important information about his or her faults. And what is
the chance that one or two encounters will result in a happy marriage? In our process, the candidates all participate, together, in a collective first interview and tour of the company, meeting many future co-workers. Then, the finalists are interviewed for 5 or 6 times by a dozen or two dozen people from the company. By the time the decision is made, by majority of our people, there have been innumerous opportunities to see beneath the veneer of both sides, and when the person begins work they have supporters and accomplices in place.

Skøn ligefrem tale fra en CEO for en international milliardvirksomhed, ikke?

Du kan se mere her. Det er good stuff.

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