søndag den 18. april 2010

En verden uden fly

Den islandske askesky lammer al lufttrafik i Nordeuropa. Himlen er stille. Ingen hvide spor efter fly. Det har fået den engelske filosof Alain de Botton til at beskrive en verden uden fly:

"In a future world without aeroplanes, children would gather at the feet of old men, and hear extraordinary tales of a mythic time when vast and complicated machines the size of several houses used to take to the skies and fly high over the Himalayas and the Tasman Sea. The wise elders would explain that inside the aircraft, passengers, who had only paid the price of a few books for the privilege, would impatiently and ungratefully shut their window blinds to the views, would sit in silence next to strangers while watching films about love and friendship — and would complain that the food in miniature plastic beakers before them was not quite as tasty as the sort they could prepare in their own kitchens."

Fantastiske tanker. Læs mere her.

[via bobulate]

Og nu har PSFK også leget med på legen.

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